James Murdoch resigns as News International chairman

In a rather unexpected turn of events, James Murdoch stepped down as the executive chairman of scandal-hit News International, creating a ripple of conjectures as to what prompted the junior Murdoch to make the move. While some analysts say the resignation might signal the ascension to the throne of Lachlan or Elisabeth Murdoch as the new supremo of News Corp., some still question the move saying that it dealt a…
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The Sun on Sunday at centre of corruption allegations

Just a day after the launch of the Sunday edition of The Sun, leveson inquiry produces hard evidence of massive corruption at the tabloid, suggesting that its scribes routinely indulged in unlawful practices and bribe public officials. According to the Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Sue Akers, the corruption is deeply-rooted into British public life and involves virtually all arms of the government and the civic authorities. People…