Iraq War - London's News Tank
Current tag: Iraq War

Did Tony Blair suppress legal advice on Iraq War?

Written on:June 25, 2023

Former prime minister Tony Blair has scraped claims that he used his power to suppress legal advice which could have prevented the Cabinet from okaying the Iraq War. The ex-PM’s spin doctor Alastair Campbell put down in his diaries in March 2003 that Blair barred Attorney General Lord Goldsmith from explaining fully to the ministers the realities of the Iraq War. Adversaries of the Iraq War recently accessed the spin…


Tony Blair averts attempted citizen’s arrest in Hong Kong

Written on:June 15, 2023

“War criminal” Tony Blair fended off an “arrest” attempt made by an anti-war demonstrator in Hong Kong where the former prime minister is on a visit to represent the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Blair was in the beginning of his speech on ‘faith and globalisation’ at the University of Hong Kong when a 29-year-old man named Tom Grundy attempted a citizen’s arrest on the ex-Downing Street resident. Shouting that Blair…