Bob Diamond - London's News Tank

Bob Diamond

Recent articles on Bob Diamond

Bob Diamond likely to face MPs inquiry again

Written on:July 9, 2023

Several of the MPs who questioned Bob Diamond last week are now considering calling him back for a second session of questioning because they are dissatisfied with his answers. Andrea Leadsom, who was part of the inquiry team in Bob Diamond’s questioning, admitted that the Select Committee was nowhere close to the truth behind the Barclays banking scandal. Leadsom complained that she found parts of Diamond’s evidence “simply unbelievable”, while…


Bob Diamond defends Barclays in Libor rigging scandal

Written on:July 5, 2023

Bob Diamond, the CEO of Barclays, resorted to blaming other banks for misleading markets about their ability to borrow and regulators for taking no notice of the happenings. “This isn’t just Barclays. Throughout 2007 and 2008, no institution of the 16 banks reporting three-month dollar Libor was at the higher end more consistently than Barclays. Barclays was getting questions about why it was always high and we were saying, ‘We…