George Ferguson spoke about Bristol being a proud provincial city with self-reliance at his inauguration
Bristol Mayor George Ferguson, after being inaugurated at a ceremony at Bristol Temple Meads railway station, has rebranded the Council House, annulled a parking measure and proclaimed that he would accept his mayoral remuneration in the city’s local currency.
George Ferguson, who become Bristol’s Mayor by trouncing 14 other mayoral candidates, divulged on Monday that the crater in the city council’s budget was £32m. The Bristol Mayor uttered that he would function with anyone, who came up with a judicious way for finding the savings needed, without disrupting public services.
The Bristol mayoral elections, conducted on Thursday, resulted in George Ferguson winning with a total of 37,353 votes, ahead of Labour’s Marvin Rees.
The 65-year-old George Ferguson, an architect most recognised for sporting red trousers, rebranded the Council House to City Hall. During his inauguration, the Bristol Mayor remarked that the new name showed that the building and the activities inside it were for the welfare of the Bristol residents. The earlier name signified that the building belonged only to the Mayor and the councillors.
George Ferguson said parts of Bristol could be bereft of traffic on the first Sunday of every month from 2013. This is his intention as the same ritual occurs in Bordeaux, Bristol’s twin city. Another policy announced by the Bristol Mayor was the nullification of charges for on-street parking on Sundays.
As he was divulging these policies of his during his inauguration, there was applause from the audience. The Bristol Mayor also declared that he didn’t desire to commission expensive surveys.
George Ferguson has pronounced that there was massive zestfulness in the city since his mayoral triumph and that he aimed to continue this zesty mood.
Also, the Mayor has uttered that an increase of up to 2% in council tax is likely for the city’s inhabitants. There are hordes of possible budgetary cuts that are profoundly damaging to the Bristol support services, uttered the Mayor.
George Ferguson remarked that Bristol is a proud provincial city with considerable self-sufficiency. He would work to construct a rainbow cabinet with other political parties’ councillors.
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