As the police faces unsettling questions over the pleb row, Andrew Mitchell is trying to return to the Cabinet
Andrew Mitchell, ex-chief whip, has thundered that he was the casualty of the pleb row, which was, as per Mitchell, a deliberate endeavour to toxify the Conservatives and devastate his political career. Andrew Mitchell’s comments on the pleb row or ‘pleb gate scandal’ have emerged amid increasing pressure on the police over the same issue.
The ex-chief whip had been compelled to exit his Cabinet post amid a flood of protest, instigated by the Police Federation, over claims that Andrew Mitchell referred to police officers as plebs during a tiff in Downing Street in September.
In the previous week, Scotland Yard had launched an inquest into a possible conspiracy against the MP after it came to light that an email, from a civilian witness, supporting the anti-Andrew Mitchell police version of the pleb row, was actually penned by another police officer.
Met Police Commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, has terminated his holiday to be briefed on the movement of the Scotland Yard investigation, which is being overseen by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
A spokesman has voiced that Bernard Hogan-Howe was broadminded about the whole pleb row issue and desired to leave no stone unturned as regards detecting the truth. The country’s most senior policeman had been lambasted for publicly endorsing the veracity of the original police account of the incident.
Andrew Mitchell has penned in the Sunday Telegraph that the toxic awful phrases, which were hung round his neck for weeks as part of the pleb row, were wholly untrue. The Conservative MP demonstrated amazement at the latest developments in the pleb gate scandal, which have been the detention of one police officer from the diplomatic protection squad and of another male from outside the force.
The Police Federation, which acts on behalf of rank-and-file officers, on Sunday, remarked that it planned an independent evaluation of issues with its operations.
Ex-Met Commissioner, Sir Paul Stevenson, wrote in The Sunday Telegraph that certain aspects of the Police Federation tactics were like those of militant trade unionists.
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