Chivas Scotch Whisky Worth £500,000 Washed Down The Sewer In Scotland - London's News Tank
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Chivas Scotch whisky worth £500,000 washed down the sewer in Scotland

Written on:March 1, 2024
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The wasted Scotch whisky was ‘bulk whisky’, which would have been utilised for blending to prepare brands like Ballantine’s and Chivas Regal

Scotch whisky, valued at £500,000, has been lost for good after being unintentionally emptied down the drain at a Scotland bottling factory. Nearly 18000 litres (3960 gallons) of Scotch whisky was washed down the sewer on Tuesday. The reason behind the Scotch whisky wastage was that it was mistaken for waste water by the employees of the bottling factory. Chivas Brothers of Dumbarton has remarked that it was inquiring the Scotch whisky loss, which was, prima facie, an inadvertent loss. The flushing out of the Scotch whisky came to light after sewage employees reported the strong stench.

The Chivas Brothers of Dumbarton has released a declaration in response to the Scotch whisky loss. The declaration has remarked that an investigation is in progress to get to the bottom of the Scotch whisky wastage incident. The Scotch whisky was washed down the cesspit at the Dumbarton site, where some spirit was discharged to the local water treatment plant.

The declaration additionally voices that Scotch whisky has not been discharged to River Leven or any other local watercourse. The Scottish Water and all other pertinent authorities have been informed about the Scotch whisky loss by Chivas Brothers of Dumbarton.

A Scottish Water spokesman has voiced that their staffers at their ‘waste water treatment works’ were already conscious of a problem. The staffers were functioning to identify the source of the problem, when they were told by Chivas Brothers about the Scotch whisky loss. A ‘trade effluent’ squad of Scottish Water has journeyed to the Chivas Brothers office to understand the investigation of the Scotch whisky wastage. All probable precautionary measures are being taken to thwart a recurrence of the incident, voiced the spokesman.

Crucially, the spokesman has remarked that the release of immense volumes of alcohol into the sewer network can negatively impact the waste water treatment procedures, particularly during dry, cold climate.

Chivas Brothers manufacture thousands of litres of Scotch whisky and gin every year. The Scotch whisky loss happened at the Chivas Brothers facility in West Dunbartonshire. The facility was at the Kilmalid site in Dumbarton’s Stirling Road. Chivas has asserted that the flushed Scotch whisky was ‘bulk whisky’, which would have been used for blending to make its brands like Ballantine’s and Chivas Regal.

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6 Comments add one

  1. Danny says:

    This is terrible…

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