Queen's Speech To Feature "Family Friendly" Laws - London's News Tank

Queen’s speech to feature “family friendly” laws

Written on:May 9, 2023
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Queen Elizabeth speaking up for families

The Queen’s speech at the state opening of Parliament today is expected to unveil loads of “family friendly” policies as the Coalition government tries to recover from the local election humiliation.

A new Children and Families Bill, which will be one of the major pieces of legislation for the next year, will be announced in the speech. Government is planning to offer more opportunities for flexible working in terms of the hours that are worked and the location. Under the new Bill, parents will be allowed to request for flexible working throughout their kid’s childhood.

The diverse Bill is also expected to feature more flexible leave for parents, speedier adoptions, better help for special needs pupils and improved access arrangements for divorced fathers. Along with the “family friendly” laws, an improved state pension system will form the heart of today’s announcement on the Government policy agenda for the next year.

David Cameron and Nick Clegg yesterday made a joint appearance and assured that although cutting the deficit and repairing the economy was their top agenda, but they also want radical reforms to help Brits in their daily lives.

“Dealing with the deficit and getting the economy growing remains the Coalition’s top priority. The Prime Minister is passionate about making sure that these children get the best start in life that they can, and this Bill will help us to do that”, said a Downing Street source.

A draft social care Bill will be published later in the year with the actual legislation due to be presented to Parliament in 2013.

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