The Church of England had warned that the Coalition’s attempts to legalise gay marriages could break the Church-State link
The Church of England may permit a priest to bless responsible gay couples in the church, as per a Church of England paper, which has the endorsement of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Justin Welby, and certain other leading bishops. The Church of England paper on blessing gay couples remarks that the priests may devise accommodations for gay couples, who are attempting to engage with the challenges of life in a responsible fashion. The Church of England gay couple blessing paper voices that the public prayers, which acknowledge gay relationships, could be introduced in church services by sympathetic clerical officials. Crucially though, the Church of England paper on gay couple blessing doesn’t alter the church laws, which refer to homosexual actions as sinful.
Church of England on gay couple blessing counselled the institution to demonstrate a degree of flexibility over gay bonds. The Church of England document on the blessing of gay couples in church has emerged after the Church and the Coalition government battled publicly over the Conservative-Lib Dem government’s attempt to legalise homosexual and lesbian marriages. The Church of England paper on gay couple blessing is certain to irk the religious conservatives in Britain.
The Church of England and other religious entities had decried PM David Cameron over his endeavours to institutionalise gay marriages in the nation. The Church contended that the Coalition had no authority to transform the tenet that marriages must be between males and females. The Church has cautioned that the legalisation of gay marriages could lead to disestablishment, thereby demolishing the 480-year-old bridge between the Church and the British State.
Activists, who have campaigned for the enforcement of gay rights in the Church, have expressed that the paper gave a greenlight to those clerical personnel, who desire to perform public blessing ceremonies for gay couples.
Nonetheless, the Bishop of Coventry, Christopher Cocksworth, one of the preparers of the Church of England paper on gay couple blessing, has remarked that the paper did not signify that churches could administer public gay couple blessing ceremonies, which are forbidden by Church laws. As per Cocksworth, the priests might offer gay couples care, prayer and attention.
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