Ofcom research has come when British retail chains are shutting down rapidly due to the sluggish economy
Britons are fascinated by online shopping, which is evident in an Ofcom research revealing that an average Briton spends £1,083 buying products online. The Ofcom research demonstrates that the amount of cash spent by the British on online shopping increased by 14% to £1,083 in 2011, as opposed to £950 in 2010.
The Ofcom research has announced that online shopping is more popular now in Britain than in any other important global nation.
The flourishing of British online shopping has emerged at a time when the country is still being plagued by the economic downturn. Retail chains across the UK are shutting down at a rate of more than 30 a day, as per Ofcom.
James Thickett, Ofcom’s Research Director, has proclaimed that the Britons’ habit of searching for bargains through catalogue shopping resulted in the British consumers being more amenable to purchasing products remotely i.e. through the online path.
James Thickett has also declared that there is a lengthy history of catalogue shopping in Britain as several daily activities are increasingly being implemented online. The online world or the internet world has become the new site for British shoppers and they seem to be loving it.
The Ofcom research has also unearthed that, more than any other European nation, Britons love to shop on the move. The research has remarked that 60% of the Britons possess a smart phone now, of which more than a fifth employs the smart phone to visit the retail websites with music downloads such as iTunes. Clothes and tickets for movies and games are among the most sought after items online.
Meanwhile, James Murray, Experian’s digital insight manager, has remarked that Christmas 2012 was on the right track to be another record-breaker for online retail shopping, thereby outshining Christmas 2011 on all fronts.
As per Experian, British consumers will use up 375 million hours shopping online in December, which will be 32 million additional hours than 2011.
Nonetheless, a recent Daily Mail investigation discovered that Christmas shoppers may be shelling out excessive cash while doing online shopping.
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