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Jimmy Savile scandal: BBC review of cancelled Newsnight report to be released

Written on:December 19, 2023
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The BBC has had to endure vast criticism over the shelved Newsnight report on the Jimmy Savile scandal

BBC will release a review report today on Newsnight’s cancellation of an investigational documentary into the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal. Witnesses, who have provided evidence to the BBC during the review process, include senior BBC executives and journalists associated with Newsnight. Some of the evidence was presented under interrogation from a QC.

The BBC review of Newsnight’s annulment of a planned documentary into the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal centred on the question of why Newsnight didn’t go ahead with its planned report into the Jimmy Savile sexual abuse saga.

The planned Newsnight documentary into the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal was shelved in 2011. BBC has repetitively repudiated claims that it chopped the Newsnight show because it coincided with planned homages to the Late BBC DJ.

Jimmy Savile, vastly popular during his lifetime as a BBC presenter, has been defaced subsequent to his death in 2011. The ITV Jimmy Savile documentary, telecast in October, consisted of disclosures from some women that they were sexually abused by Jimmy Savile over decades. The accusations on the ITV documentary triggered an inundation of similar sexual abuse allegations from a host of other females, who came in public with their stories of being victims of Jimmy Savile’s sexual criminality.

Senior personalities like news director Helen Boaden, Newsnight editor Peter Rippon and ex-DG Mark Thompson are believed to have been queried by ex-Sky News executive, Nick Pollard, who headed the BBC review into Newsnight’s aforesaid report.

Peter Rippon resigned from his role after the BBC remarked that his justification for cancelling the Newsnight report on the Jimmy Savile scandal was somewhat inaccurate and unfinished.

The aforementioned BBC review into Newsnight’s shelved report and a separate report, headed by Ken MacQuarrie, into how Newsnight reported a false story incriminating Lord McAlpine in child abuse allegations, have concluded 2012 rather woefully for the BBC.

BBC, which was commended for its coverage of the Olympics and the Paralympics, has been compelled to shell out £185,000 in damages to Lord McAlpine.

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