Olympics opening ceremony to feature real sheep and cows

Written on:June 12, 2023
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The Olympic Stadium will be transformed into the British countryside (Image courtesy: pcruciatti / Shutterstock.com)

As Brits gear up for the London Olympics 2012, director Danny Boyle has revealed the details of opening ceremony, saying that Olympic stadium will be transformed into the British countryside and will even feature real sheep and cows.

The opening scene of the London ceremony will be called “Green and Pleasant”, with scenes of picnics being staged by 10,000 volunteers in order to recreate country views and even landmarks, such as Glastonbury Tor.

Paying tribute to 10,000 volunteers, Boyle said, “The best part of telling that story has been working with our 10,000 volunteers. I’ve been astounded by the selfless dedication of the volunteers, they are the purest embodiment of the Olympic spirit and represent the best of who we are as a nation.”

Explaining more about the £27million show, Boyle said around 30 sheep, 12 horses, 10 chickens, 10 ducks, nine geese, three cows, three sheepdogs and two goats will feature in the show.

62,000 ticket-holders in the stadium in Stratford, east London, and a billion people watching worldwide will see be families having picnics and sports being played on the village green along with music by British dance act Underworld.

The world’s largest “harmonically-tuned” bell, will also be rung in the stadium to open a Shakespeare-inspired segment which will feature 900 children from the six Games host boroughs.

“They will be real clouds that will be hanging over the stadium. Work that out if you can. We know we’re an island culture and an island climate. One of these clouds will provide rain on the evening, just in case it doesn’t rain”, Boyle teased.

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One Comment add one

  1. Morgan, Buffalo, NY says:

    yeah…cow grazing in the stadium would certainly bring back memories of the beautiful York!

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