Runaway wallaby captured in Midlothian

One of the two wallabies that went missing from a fishery earlier this week from a fishery in the region of Midlothian has been netted today. The other wallaby was caught day before yesterday by a marksman. Both creatures, known as swift swimmers, escaped from a pond at Leadburn Manor in West Linton. After spotting the 2ft creature in a 40-acre swamp, the Manor people used a big fishing net…
Read more...Two teens held in anti-terror hotline hacking probe

London Metropolitan Police has arrested two teenagers for apparently making hoax phone calls to the anti-terror hotline, which were also posted on the internet. Two boys, aged 16 and 17, were arrested from West Midlands and were charged of violating the Malicious Communications Act 1988 and the Computer Misuse Act 2006. Detectives from the Central e-Crime Unit have been quizzing the boys, who are now in police custody in the…
Read more...Tags:Computer Misuse Act 1990 , Online Security , Scotland Yard , Terrorism